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We'd love to hear from you! We are working around the clock to stay up to date with all the latest going-on's at Jackmillion Casino so that you can grab the best opportunities when they come along - be it a brilliant new bonus, exciting new games or even a major casino site upgrade. However, what keeps our mojo going are the players at the casino - and we live for their thoughts, opinions, and feedback.

If you have any queries, suggestions, feedback, or even if you just wish to start up a conversation with the like-minded gambling enthusiasts that all of us are, feel free to hit us up at [email protected].

While we don't know how quick our response will be (you should hear back from us within a day though), what we can guarantee is that every mail will be answered. We love pats on the back, but we look forward to constructive criticism even more! Most of all, we want to make our website as user-friendly, efficient, and useful as possible for our readers, and the one thing that will help us get there is the feedback of the community. So if you feel like writing in, please don't hesitate.

Once again, the email is [email protected], and we look forward to hearing from you.